Sep 5, 2019
OKIAAI Board Minutes 9-5-19
Date: 9/5/19
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Hard Rock Casino, Catoosa
Call to order by President: David VanBuskirk made the call to order.
Roll Call:
Present: David VanBuskirk (Pres.) Chris Woodall (2nd VP), Jim Wilhelm (3rd Yr.), Jonathan Wilk (3rd Yr.), Fred Henderson (2nd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (2nd Yr.), Todd DeSmet (1st Yr.), Neal Moore (Secretary Treasurer), Renee Southerland (Executive Secretary)
Absent: Ashley Stephens (Past President), Bill Hollander (1st VP), and Tim Reeves (1st Yr.)
Reading and Approval of Minutes:
Motion was made by Todd DeSmet and seconded by Jim Wilhelm to forego the reading of the Minutes. Motion carried / approved.
New Membership:
Treasurer’s Report:
Available Balance $12,490.34
Less $ 1,372.00 (remainder of shirt cost)
Less $ 1,000.00 (Magalassi)
Less $ 2,700.00 (Burn Camp)
Plus $ 300.00 (Rimkus vendor)
Less $ 660.00 (Hasty Bake reimbursement)
Less $ 150.00 (Dan VanBuskirk)
Remaining Future Balance $ 7,057.49
Annual Conference:
- CLEET, ODI, and OBA hours have been approved for continuing education
- We need the letter from Bill Hollander to go along with the Hard Rock certificate for the giveaway.
- Farm Bureau has agreed to sponsor lunch on Wednesday the 23rdfor $1500.00. Mexican will be chosen. Renee to make a OKIAAI donation receipt after the check is written.
- Burn Camp donation from 2018 will be given to the Burn Camp representative when they speak at the conference.
- Investigator of the Year – Billy has three investigators with Canadian County District Attorney’s Office that will be nominated.
- Lifetime member – No requests have been made yet.
- Photo contest nomination – Need to judge at next meeting – have received one photo from Travis Rider due to lightning strike but wants it to be in the accidental category.
- Todd DeSmet will use his scholarship for the Conference for David Massey with Farm Bureau.
- Third Blast needs to be sent in September with weapon information and a map of the conference area.
- Jonathan reached out to Blackmon Mooring and Firetroll about sponsor / vendor and to call Chris Woodall if they are interested.
- David VanBuskirk will call Mary Ann Dunn with Hard Rock regarding the food being sponsored by Farm Bureau and to work out details concerning conference details about tables, audio video, time of arrival on Tuesday, etc. Mary Ann will need a “Banquet Event Order” filled out to detail what is needed and to add the ticket spinner as well.
- It was discussed that Fred Henderson would speak with the security guy at the Hard Rock concerning the pre-authorization procedure for carrying service weapons during the conference, or the firearm not be brought at all, as the Hard Rock’s policy is no guns. If a service weapon does need to be brought to the conference then a weapon procedure with Hard Rock will need to be followed.
- The conference room was reviewed again – might be issues with loud music and where to put the registration tables – that will be worked out with Mary Ann.
- Todd announced that the Oklahoma Claims Association has an upcoming conference on Friday, September 20thand he is allowed to set up a booth free for OKIAAI. There will be a drawing from business cards to give away a free membership to the OKIAAI upcoming year. The conference is at the Reed Center in Midwest City from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. He is requesting that two members be present. Jonathan Wilk, Jim Wilhelm and Jeremy Robbins advised they might be able to attend. Chris Woodall will already be there with a booth. Renee will attend with Todd DeSmet and make a presentation board announcing the conference for the OKIAAI and can possibly print registrations from an iPad if anyone is interested in registering for the conference that day. Todd requested that the second email Blast and the agenda be sent to him so he could print those out for the conference.
- Todd DeSmet advised since the Oklahoma Claims Association is giving us a booth free at their conference they, in turn, want a booth free at our OKIAAI conference. Motion was made by Neal Moore and seconded by Jeremy Robbins, motion carried / approved.
- Marke from Hard Rock gave a printout of those who had registered at the hotel so far.
- Chris Woodall has not received a response from Grace Industries for vendorship and a couple of others are up in the air.
- Jim Wilhelm advised his Union in Cushing is going to provide a $500 donation.
- Jeremy Robbins will call Blackmon Mooring.
- While at the Board Meeting David VanBuskirk called Mary Ann after Marke left to clarify the food cost as if $1,000 is provided for food cost then our room cost is only $300 a day. This does not include audio-visual costs.
- Neal Moore advised more sponsors are needed to defray the cost of the conference rooms.
- Renee needs to get with Midwest Trophy concerning Lifetime Award member (if there is one), Investigator of the Year, and add the label to the plaque for the past President for 2019, David VanBuskirk.
Regional Conference: None
Nominating: None
Membership: Current membership count unknown.
CFI: Tim Reeves and David VanBuskirk passed the test. Jonathon Wilk took his test the morning of this meeting.
Website: Needs to be revised to distinguish between being a member only paying $20.00 and registering for the Conference which includes membership already. People have been paying for both and the additional $20.00 needs to be refunded to each.
Old Business:
New Business:
Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 2ndat 10:00 a.m. at the Hard Rock. Mary Ann and security personnel will attend this meeting but can only do so at 11:00 a.m.
A Motion was made by Jeremy Robbins to adjourn, seconded by Jim Wilhelm, motion carried / approved.