Aug 13, 2019

OKIAAI Board Minutes 8-13-19

Time: 10:15 a.m.
Location: Cathcart & Dooley, Oklahoma City

Call to order by President: David VanBuskirk made the call to order.

Roll Call:

Present: Ashley Stephens (Past President), David VanBuskirk (Pres.) Bill Hollander (1st VP), Chris Woodall (2nd VP), Jim Wilhelm (3rd Yr.), Jonathan Wilk (3rd Yr.), Fred Henderson (2nd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (2nd Yr.), Todd DeSmet (1st Yr.), Renee Southerland (Executive Secretary)

Absent: Neal Moore (Secretary Treasurer) and Tim Reeves (1st Yr.)

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Bill Hollander made the Motion to approve the July Minutes, seconded by Jeremy Robbins, motion carried and approved.

New Membership: Five paid for the conference/membership – no approval needed since they were past members.

Treasurer’s Report: Jeremy Robbins made the motion to postpone the Treasurer’s Report until the next meeting in September since Neal was absent. Seconded by Bill Hollander, motion carried and approved.

Annual Conference:

  • Everyone agreed to go ahead and add the new logo patch to the shirts that were ordered from Midwest Trophy for the conference.
  • CLEET CE, OBIC, and OBA CLE will be turned in to get the hours approved.
  • Bill Hollander advised that Donny Howard did not need a room and Jason Albano was told to get his own room and would be reimbursed.
  • Bill Hollander will get Marke to send a list of speaker rooms that have been registered so far.
  • Bill Hollander is still awaiting the Phillip 66 donation.
  • Chris Woodall said that Grace Industries wants to add a postcard to our registration table and will pay $200 to do this. Chris will get with her and advise that our sponsor fee is $300 and not $200.
  • Todd DeSmet suggested that Grace Industries donate $200 to Tulsa Pipe and Drum Corp instead of paying $300 since we need to pay $200 to the Pipe Corp anyway.
  • Jeremy Robbins is still trying to get two $75.00 gift cards from Walmart and will ask for them in August.
  • Fred Henderson and John have tried to get donations but have not been able to obtain anything as of yet.
  • David VanBuskirk will get three to four Head Country gift baskets and can also get big bottles of the BBQ sauce.
  • Bill Hollander will call Marke regarding the certificate that is needed from the Hard Rock for the giveaway.
  • Todd DeSmet will check with OID regarding check-in sheets.
  • Chris Woodall will check with OBA regarding check-in sheets.
  • Bill Hollander will check with Marke to make sure we can get in the conference room early on Tuesday before the conference starts.
  • As for monetary photo awards, a Motion was made by Jeremy Robbins to pay $50 for first place in each category and $25 for second place in each category. This was seconded by Neal, motion carried and approved. Dan will add this into the website.
  • We still need a lunch sponsor to help defray the cost of the conference room.
  • Rimkus is paying $300 for sponsorship and the check should be mailed by September 2nd.
  • David VanBuskirk suggested a $15 voucher to use to eat to go towards the conference fee amount.
  • Dan Van Buskirk’s invoice of $85.00 needs to be paid.
  • Chris Woodall needs to know how to do continuing education certificate with only a one-day attendance as well as making a certificate of attendance with tested on it.
  • David VanBuskirk to bring lanyards to next meeting for Renee Southerland.

Regional Conference: No information.

CFI: Jonathan Wilk and Tim Reeves will take their test in September.

Website: Dan will change the conference to be 65thinstead of 66thbased on past information reviewed on the thumb drive.

Old Business:

The burn camp funds from the prior conference of 2018 need to be provided to the burn camp sponsor. David VanBuskirk will call him and attempt to arrange for him to come to our September meeting and will ask the sponsor if they can put us on their website.

New Business:

Next Meeting: Thursday, September 5, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at Hard Rock to finalize conference information and review of facilities again and sort out any food details.

A Motion was made by Fred Henderson to adjourn, seconded by Chris Woodall, motion carried / approved.