Aug 15, 2024
Date: August 15, 2024
Time: 11:15 AM
Location: Stillwater, Ok Mariachi Restaurant
Call to Order: Made by President, David VanBuskirk
Roll Call:
Present | Absent | Position | |
☒ | ☐ | Pres | David VanBuskirk |
☒ | ☐ | 1st VP | Steve Rhodes |
☒ | ☐ | 2nd VP | Gina Coleman |
☒ | ☐ | 3rd yr. | Marc Sutphin |
☒ | ☐ | 3rd yr. | Mike Haley |
☒ | ☐ | 2nd yr. | Johnnie Sawyer |
☒ | ☐ | 2nd yr. | Chad Oubre |
☒ | ☐ | 1st yr. | Heather Cropper |
☒ | ☐ | 1st yr. | Matthew Meredith |
☐ | ☒ | Treasurer | Jonathan Wilk |
☒ | ☐ | Secretary | Jesse Benne |
☒ | ☐ | Past Pres. | Ashley Stephens (by phone) |
Reading and Approval of Minutes: A Motion was made by Jesse Benne to forgo the reading of the previous meeting minutes, seconded by Steve Rhodes, motion approved and carried.
Membership: No new membership applications.
Treasurer’s Report: Johnathan Wilk stated the current balance is $24,012.21 and provided a transaction list.
A Motion was made by Steve Rhodes to accept the treasurers report, seconded by Jesse Benne, motion approved and carried.
WEBSITE: Jesse updated the board on the changes to the website, and current issues that need corrected. The scholarship ticket process was discussed and who qualifies. Current registration is around 20. No sign on is going to be pursued until next conference year.
CFI: Johnny Sawyer stated that Brian Cosner has passed his exam, and Loren Salazar is testing today.
Training: Chad Oubre updated the board on the Fire Dynamics Class that was presented and gave an update on the OSU OKC course and its details.
Annual Conference:
- Steve Rhodes gave an update on the agenda and how to plug in our new committees.
- Next meeting should be in September, but David and Steve will be out of town. The next meeting will be at the Osage casino on October 3.
- Heather was checking on the RTIC 8 can coolers for the door gift. There are problems with inventory, and she will track it and has a backup in case they don’t come through.
- Steve updated the OCI items, they are ordered and paid for.
- We have spent about $500 for donated items in the past, and still need to do that.
- Training is lined up with presenters, CEs are on track. Gina Coleman needs more information from the instructors and needs to be in the end of the month.
- Tulsa Fire and PD are doing the opening ceremony.
- Sponsors have been updated on, and their participation.
- Leather patch hats can be purchased for about 18/ unit. Takes about 3 weeks to make.
- Breakfast was discussed about how we can make something available.
501(c)3: No updates.
Old Business:
- We have a table at the FMAO conference, Steve Rhodes and Gina Coleman will attend.
- Presentation supplies will be put together by Jesse Benne, such as extension cords, RPT’s, and thumb drives.
- Gina Coleman is getting a new banner for the conference.
- Randy Overton, do we need to send another letter?
New Business: No new business.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for October 3rd, at 11:00 at the Osage casino.
Motion to adjourn was made by Mike Haley, seconded by Jesse Benne, motion carried and approved.