May 19, 2020

OKIAAI Board Minutes 5/19/20

Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Via Zoom Conference Call

Call to order by President

Made by President Bill Hollander

Roll Call

Present: Bill Hollander (Pres.), Chris Woodall (1st VP), Ashley Stephens (2nd VP), Tim Reeves (2nd Yr.), Todd DeSmet (2nd yr), Jim Wilhelm (1st Yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary),

Absent: David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (3rd yr), Jonathan Wilk (1st Yr.), Neal Moore (Treasurer) 

Reading and Approval of Minutes

Motion was made by Ashley Stephens to forego the reading and approval of Minutes, seconded by Tim Reeves, Motion carried and approved.



Treasurer’s Report

Per phone call from Neal Moore to Bill Hollander, the balance in the bank is $14,002.20. Motion was made by Chris Woodall to accept the amount, seconded by Todd DeSmet, Motion carried / approved. 


No reports.


  • Bill Hollander sent an email to all Board members regarding the conversation he had with Neal Moore concerning the Go Daddy notifications that were being sent to our Gmail, forwarded by Renee Southerland to Chris Woodall, and Chris Woodall to Dan. Neal Moore wanted to know why he was not getting the invoices directly. Bill Hollander suggested any invoices always should go through Neal Moore first, but was understandable that Renee and Chris thought Dan was handling it and had the credit card information. Neal did update the credit card information with Go Daddy. One invoice to Go Daddy was not paid and that was the email starter as it was not needed, and we let it expire.
  • Chis Woodall confirmed the credit card was updated as David let Neal Moore have the link to update the credit card information.
  • At this time, no pictures from the conference have been added to the website and Bill Hollander will get with David concerning this as we need to get the photos online.

Annual Conference

  • Chris Woodall talked with Joe Elam (the Edmond Fire Department Training Officer) and Joe seems to think that by October we will be fine to have our conference there. The Edmond Fire Chief will give additional directives on June 1st, and if the Fire Training Center is open at that time, we could possibly have our next Board meeting there. They are not doing any in-house training yet for large numbers, but they also don’t have any concerns.
  • It was discussed for Renee Southerland to go ahead and sent out a survey using Survey Monkey to the current members of the OKIAAI and if there is more than 50% who say they will attend the conference, then we can go forward with the conference. Renee will send this out by the end of the week.
  • Chris Woodall needs to get with Jerry Back who is a lithium/ion battery expert and knows a lot of aspects about electrical vehicles. He is willing to present at the conference. He is a great speaker. Chris will get with him for more definitive information.
  • At this time, it was discussed to move forward with the conference in planning, but could possibly cancel close to the conference if needed. All Board members agreed with this.
  • The FMAO conference for September is canceled per Bill Hollander.
  • Bill Hollander advised the CLEET CEs are not canceled, therefore, CEs are still required for this year.
  • Renee Southerland asked if Bill Hollander could get a list of the FMAO members to add to the email blast for this year’s conference.
  • Chris Woodall suggested adding in a question in the survey if others from agencies will attend, but Ashley Stephens did not want the second question added at this time as we only want to know if the members are coming or not. In the email blast we can always add all of the other additional information about the conference that is needed, including what would happen if the conference needed to be canceled at the last minute, refund info, etc.
  • Chris Woodall advised that he had not been able to reach anyone from the Hilton Garden Inn in Edmond, however, during this Zoom Board meeting he received a text from Sonnie Maughn with contact information for the Hilton Garden Inn as her ex-boyfriend is the manager there. Chris will get with him concerning what kind of deal we can get for the conference.
  • Chris Woodall also indicated we need to go ahead and hurry and nail down the agenda.
  • Todd DeSmet stated he held off on getting a burned vehicle because he wasn’t sure if the conference would go forward.
  • It was discussed that Jonathan Wilk had already advised he had access to a new EV and could have that at the conference.
  • Renee Southerland advised the International sent out an email that they would be doing two hour Zoom classes on the third Thursday of every month concerning the 931 / 1033 changes (Webinar series), and this email was sent to all member of International. It is $20.00 if you are a member, and $45 if you are not. The Board members requested Renee re-send the email, which she did.
  • Todd DeSmet advised that the deadline for the materials to be presented to ODI is August 5th for the insurance credits. He will need a resume, PowerPoint, agenda, schedule / outline and requested that we shoot for July 6th to have this information to him. Todd has requested an email from ODI concerning the requirements for continuing education credits.
  • Bill Hollander advised that Jason Albano wants the 9:00 a.m. time slot on Friday, October 23, 2020.
  • Chris Woodall will work on the agenda and believes the vehicle fires and field work will take one day. The second day would be on 921 / 1033. The third day would be mental health and the Board meeting.
  • Renee Southerland reminded Chris Woodwall that Dave Hallman said he would speak and bring evidence of closed cases to place around the conference room for talking points. Chris will get with Dave to nail down him speaking about EVs.
  • Ashley Stephens only needs CVs for CLEET. They do not require a PowerPoint outline.
  • Chris Woodall requested that Renee Southerland send Albano’s CV from last year to him for this year’s conference, which she did. 
  • Chris Woodall also needs a copy of Bill Cathcart’s CV which Renee Southerland will get to him.

Old Business

  • Bill Hollander asked Renee Southerland if she had received any updated information from Neal Moore on changing to Arvest Bank and she had not received anything yet. 
  • Rimkus has already paid $300 for a vendorship for the conference. Everyone needs to work on getting additional vendors. 
  • Chris Woodall indicated his wife’s CPA firm is overwhelmed at this point with tax issues, but he will check with her regarding our 501(c)3 status and hopefully we will have an update at the next meeting. 
  • Tim Reeves indicated that Wal-Mart will still give community grants in the amount of $50 to $75 gift cards without the 501(c)3, but we do need the 501(c)3 reinstated as soon as possible to be able to get more money for the conference. 

New Business


Next Meeting

Tuesday, June 16, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. at the Edmond Fire Training Center located at 5300 East Covell Road in Edmond.

Ashley Stephens made a Motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Todd DeSmet, Motion carried, meeting adjourned.