Nov 18, 2018

OKIAAI Board Minutes 11-18-2018

Date: November 18, 2018
Time: 10:08 a.m.
Location: Tulsa ATF Office

Call to order by President: President David VanBuskirk made the call to order

Roll Call: Ashley Stephens (Past Pres.), David VanBuskirk (Pres.), Bill Hollander (1stVP), Chris Woodall (2ndVP), Jim Wilhelm (3rdYr.), Jonathan Wilk (3rdyr), Fred Henderson (2ndYr.), Jeremy Robbins (2ndyr), Todd DeSmet (1stYr.), Tim Reeves (1stYr.), Renee Southerland (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer)

Reading and Approval of Minutes: None

New Membership: No report at this time

Treasurer’s Report: Neal Moore reported $16,415.46 in the account. Motion to approve Treasurer’s amount made by Ashley Stephens, and seconded by Bill Hollander, approved unanimously.

Committee Reports: None

Annual Conference: 87 Attendees, results of surveys discussed. The majority were pleased with the prizes, facility location, but not the cabins. A suggestion was made for all Board Members to solicit their city/area for give-a-ways for the next conference. Post-blast analysis class was discussed by Bill Hollander as well as location discussion.

Regional Conference: None

Nominating: None

Membership: To be determined next meeting.

CFI: Mike Schatz received CFI. Brian Zalewski is taking his test.

Website: Dan Van Buskirk will update website. Ashley Stephens requested Facebook page to be developed. Motion was made by Bill Hollander and seconded by Neal Moore, approved unanimously.

Report from the Executive Secretary: None

Report from Secretary / Treasurer: None

Old Business:

New Business:

  • Tim Reeves will take the old laptop and put information on exterior hard drive
  • Boxes of old documents will be kept in Renee Southerland’s office for the time being and not scanned due to the volume of records
  • Renee Southerland will get with Midwest Trophy to get the photo plates made for the photo winners
  • Jon Wilk will take the plates to the award winners
  • Discussion of email push in March to discuss the upcoming conference, topics, CE / CLE credits, and to announce the Facebook page
  • Renee Southerland will get Post Office box in Oklahoma City
  • Renee Southerland will go through all of the unread emails from 2018

Next Meeting: (Meetings will take place on the 3rdTuesday of every month) January 15, 2019, 10:00 a.m. at Cathcart & Dooley, 2807 Classen Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK