Sep 30, 2021

OKIAAI Board Minutes 9/30/21

Date: September 30, 2021
Time: 10:08 a.m.
Location: Grand Casino, Shawnee, Oklahoma

Call to Order

Made by President Bill Hollander

Roll Call

Present at Meeting: Bill Hollander (Pres.), Jonathan Wilk (Treasurer), Chris Woodall (1st VP), Jeremy Robbins (3rd yr.), Fred Henderson (3rd yr.), Tim Reeves (2nd yr.), Rodd DeSmet (2nd yr.), Steve Rhodes (1st yr.), Jim Wilhelm (P1 yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary)

Absent at Meeting: Ashley Stephens (2nd VP), David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.)

Reading and Approval of Minutes

August minutes were read by the president. Chris made a motion to accept, seconded by Jonathan, motion carried and approved.


Three new members applied: Doug Monty, Anthony Garibay and Heather Schafstall. A motion was made by Jeremy Robbins to approve these three memberships, seconded by Chris Woodall, motion carried and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Jonathan Wilk gave the Treasurer’s Report stating the current balance was $14,800.81, which included $289.35 in a PayPal transfer transaction, $5.00 service fee, another PayPal deposit of $2,750.00, reimbursement of $128.03 for flowers for Dave Hallman’s mom’s funeral, and $574.00 to Dan VanBuskirk for website updates. There is an additional $2,450.43 in PayPal that will need to be transferred and a $1,000.00 check will need to be made to the Department of Corrections for the raffle items that will be purchased from that facility. Renee provided a check in the amount of $600.00 from the State Fire Marshal’s office and a check will need to be written to Ashley Stephens in the amount of $50.00 for the speaker materials he provided to MCLE. This will be paid to Ashley at the conference since he missed the meeting. Jonathan will also refund $300.00 to RIMKUS if they request a refund since they cannot make it to the conference as a vendor. So, there is roughly $16,850.00 in the account after these transactions. Renee advised the amount of the conference invoice right now without any changes was $3,924.80. Motion was made by Jeremy to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Chris, motion carried and approved.



Annual Conference

  • Todd DeSmet – wanted to make sure thank-you notes got sent to vendors and that 17 hours was approved by the insurance department for credits during the conference. 
  • Chris advised that Dan Gottuk and Bill Cathcart’s presentation is being worked on. He also advised that Mike Abraham is receiving an award from another organization during the time of our conference and requested to change his speaking date to Friday, but since that could not occur he is still going to speak as scheduled. 
  • A discussion was also had concerning credits and the sign-in sheets and how they will be set out every morning. 
  • A discussion was had by Chris as to whether or not board members paid for the conference and he advised they do not. 
  • Bill Hollander will call David VanBuskirk regarding a keynote speaker. If David cannot get one, Bill will try to find a keynote speaker. 
  • Renee advised there will not be an Arson Advisory Council presentation as the person who wanted to do that presentation to The Burn Camp will not be able to attend. The presentation should be made in 2022 if that’s what they elect to do. 
  • Jonathan advised he needed The Burn Camp money separated from the merchandise and membership payment money, and Renee advised she had two bank bags and would bring those to the conference. 
  • At this time all board members met with Krystle Ross with the Grand Casino to go over the layout for the conference room, the vendor tables, and registration tables that were needed. It was also discussed by Krystle that she could provide a buffet lunch solely for the membership on Wednesday and Thursday for $12.95 each and that we would only be responsible for the number of tickets/buffets purchased. Jonathan made a motion to accept her proposal and provide lunch on Wednesday and Thursday along with keeping our same snack schedule, it was seconded by Jeremy, motion carried and approved. 
  • Jeremy then discussed providing coffee during each of the conference days. Motion was then made by Jeremy to provide coffee with no limits each day, seconded by Tim, motion carried and approved.
  • Renee passed out the photos from the photo contest, and arson was voted on for 1st and 2nd place and accidental was voted on for 1st and 2nd place.
  • Bill Hollander will get the ink and paper for the printer and will bring the printer to the conference.
  • Renee will check with David VanBuskirk as to whether or not he has any evidence cans for the raffle give-aways.
  • Chris advised that we needed some extension cords so if anyone had some they needed to bring them. 
  • Krystle advised that we could use her ticket spinner for our raffle give-aways and that she would revise the banquet event order to reflect that lunches would also be provided on Wednesday and Thursday during the conference.

Old Business

Renee advised that Dan VanBuskirk stated it would cost $50-$200 for him to place an ad-type banner on our website if a business wanted to advertise for the year. That discussion was tabled.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be Friday, October 22, 2021, at 11:30 a.m. at the end of the conference. A motion was made by Jeremy to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Todd, motion carried and approved.