Jul 28, 2020
OKIAAI Board Minutes 7/28/20
Date: Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: Zoom meeting
Call to order by President
Made by President Bill Hollander.
Roll Call
PRESENT: Bill Hollander (Pres.), Chris Woodall (1st VP), Ashley Stephens (2nd VP), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (3rd Yr.), Tim Reeves (2nd Yr.), Jim Wilhelm (1st Yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary)
ABSENT: David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.), Todd DeSmet (2nd Yr.), Jonathan Wilk (1st Yr.), Neal Moore (Treasurer)
Reading and Approval of Minutes
Ashley Stephens made the motion to forego the reading and approval of Minutes, seconded by Jeremy Robbins, Motion carried and approved.
No new members.
Treasurer’s Report
Bill Hollander requested Neal to provide a Treasurer’s Report but was not received by the time the meeting began.
No reports.
- Bill Hollander wants to make sure David VanBuskirk has gotten the 2019 pictures to Dan to put on the website.
- Renee Southerland will check with Dan about taking the current October dates off the website and replacing them with the 2021 dates.
Annual Conference
- Chris Woodall advised that the hotel called and was looking at restricting any conferences they had scheduled which would then any rooms we had on hold for our conference since it would be at the Edmond Fire Training Center nearby. The speakers he has lined up also have concerns about going forward with the conference. He talked with Bill Hollander and wants to make the best decision and thinks it is best to cancel this year’s conference due to the COVID numbers rising.
- At this time a Motion was made to cancel this year’s conference by Chris Woodall, it was seconded by Tim Reeves, Motion carried and approved. Bill Hollander will send out a letter to the members (for Renee to email) but it will be mid-August before he can do so.
- Jeremy Reeves suggested the possibility of a virtual class.
- Ashley Stephens indicated he would check with Tami at CLEET regarding our members to use CFItrainer.net as additional training for the continuing education hours that are needed. That can be put out to the membership in the letter. He is not sure how we would do any Zoom training at this time.
- Chris Woodall indicated that Jensen Hughes has done a lot of virtual training and received ODI and OBA credits and that link can also be put in the letter.
- Bill Hollander indicated that OMAG also has good training that can be used and the link can be put on the website. Mental health is online as well.
- Chris Woodall advised that maybe we could do a Webinar with Albano since he was scheduled to do the mental health section the last day of the conference.
- Fred Henderson indicated we could check with local Police Departments and can use their online training.
- Bill Hollander indicated he would check with Albano after hearing from Ashley Stephens about the CLEET info.
- Tim Reeves wanted to know what “no conference” would mean for the election of our officers and the status of their current positions and if they could carry over for next year.
- Bill Hollander indicated that FMAO froze all of their positions to be reinstated for the next year.
- Renee Southerland indicated that we had already received $300 from Rimkus to be a vendor this year and Chris Woodall indicated he would talk to Sonnie Maughn concerning postponing their vendorship until 2021.
- The new dates for the 2021 conference were established as October 20 – 22, 2021, and Chris Woodall will advise the current speakers of those new dates so that they can speak next year.
- It was requested for Ashley Stephens to possibly speak at the next conference in 2021 or maybe do a Webinar this year regarding the Federal Court decision concerning crimes on Indian land.
- Jeremy Robbins indicated he would check on the cost for getting patches with Velcro to give as a give-away for next year.
Old Business
New Business
- Ashley Stephens requested Bill Cathcart to review the by-laws regarding freezing our positions for this year and requested Bill be a part of the next meeting to discuss this issue.
- Ashley Stephens suggested we waive the dues issues for this year from any members since we are not having a conference.
- Bill Hollander indicated it was okay to waive but the Board members still needed to pay or make it optional for everyone to pay.
Next Meeting
Next meeting will be by Zoom on August 27, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. Chris Woodall will send the link. Ashley Stephens made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Fred Henderson. Motion carried and approved.