Jul 21, 2016

OKIAAI Board Minutes 7-21-2016

Date: 7/21/2016

Time: 10:07 AM

Location: Tulsa Fire Administration

Call to order by 1st Vice President

Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)

Gary Dill (Past Pres)  Scott Winford (Pres) Jeff VanDolah (1st VP)

Ashley Stephens(2nd VP) Bill Hollander (3rd Yr.) Tommy Scott (3rd yr)

Chris Woodall ( 2nd Yr.)  Dan Salts (2nd yr) David VanBuskirk (1st Yr)

Fred Henderson (1st Yr), Heather Stanley (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer).

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes by Neal Moore and seconded by Jeff VanDolah. Status = Approved unanimously

New Membership: None

Treasurer’s Report: reported balance of $13,639.60.  Motion to approve report by Jeff VanDolah and seconded  by Ashley Stephens. Status = Approved unanimously.

Committee Reports

Annual Conference: conference will be in Tulsa at OSU Forensic Science Center- 1111 W. 17th Tulsa, OK 74107. Scott has arranged for Tulsa FD honor guard and Jeff will look into an OSU president for keynote.  Dates will be Oct 26-28, 2016.  John Frucci – Director of IMPEX. Center for Improvised Explosives will be the featured speaker.  Charles Knapp – Haltom City FD will present Arson Task Force training for small communities.

Fairfield Inn and Suites is conference hotel. Limited number of rooms are blocked for $89/night Agenda is currently 2 days of 1033 and 921.

Door Prizes being considered: Cooler, Gun, fire ring, generator, kicker, knife, smoker. Dan will follow up on ordering fire pit/ring. Speakers will be given Yetis.

Merchandise: Neal to order 5.11 backpacks for conference give-away. He will also order Black Spiral/orange emblem notebooks w/pen to be given away.

Regional Conferences: No update.

Nominating: None.

Awards: We have 2 submissions so far for photos.

Membership: Heather Stanley reported 110 current members

CFI: Jeff proctored a test this week.

Website: Website is updated and live.

Report from the Executive Secretary: Thank you received from OK Burn Camp and from Magalassi Foundation.

Report from Secretary/Treasurer: None

New Business:

Date: August 18, 2016

Location: Tulsa – TBD

Time: 10am

 A Motion to Adjourn was made by David VanBuskirk and Seconded by Jeff VanDolah.  Status = Approved unanimously

adjourned at: 11:07 AM