May 22, 2018

OKIAAI Board Minutes 5-17-18



Date: 05/17/2018

Time: 12:05 PM

Location: Lake Murray Lodge

Call to order by President:


1st Vice President David VanBuskirk made the call to order.


Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)


Jeff VanDolah (Past Pres), Ashley Stephens (Pres), David VanBuskirk (1st VP),

Bill Hollander (2nd VP), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Chris Woodall (3rd yr),

Jim Wilhelm (2nd Yr.), Stan Smith (2nd yr), Billy Magalassi (1st Yr),

Jeremy Robbins (1st Yr), Tommy Scott (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer)

Special Guest:


Reading and Approval of Minutes:  Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes by Bill Hollander and seconded by Fred Henderson. Status = Approved unanimously


New Membership: We have one new member.


Treasurer’s Report: Motion to forgo the treasurer’s report made by David VanBuskirk and seconded by Stan Smith. Status = Approved unanimously


Committee Reports

Annual Conference:  Open for discussion having the conference at Lake Murray Lodge.  Also discuss speakers for the conference and the topics they will discuss.  Also had a discussion on donuts and coffee.  Motion to have the conference at Lake Murray Lodge made by David VanBuskirk and second by Stan Smith.  Status = Approved unanimously


International Conference: David VanBuskirk and Tommy Scott are attending the conference.


Merchandise: David VanBuskirk will continue to get hats for the conference.


Regional Conferences: None


Nominating: None


Awards: None


Membership: Tommy Scott reported 93 current members.


CFI: Nothing to report.


Website:  Tommy Scott will continue to update the website.


Report from the Executive Secretary: None


Report from Secretary/Treasurer: None


New Business: Discussed the idea of developing a tested stamp to identify that the course has been tested.


Next Meeting:  June 20, 2018

Location: Tulsa Fire Administration Office

Time: 10AM


A Motion to Adjourn was made by David VanBuskirk and Seconded by Fred Henderson.

Status = Approved unanimously

Adjourned at: 12:35 PM