Feb 15, 2024
Date: February 15, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM
Location: Osage Casino Hotel
Call to Order: Made by President, David VanBuskirk
Roll Call:
Present | Absent | Position | |
☐ | ☒ | Pres | David VanBuskirk |
☐ | ☒ | 1st VP | Steve Rhodes |
☐ | ☒ | 2nd VP | Gina Coleman |
☐ | ☒ | 3rd yr. | Marc Sutphin |
☐ | ☒ | 3rd yr. | Mike Haley |
☐ | ☒ | 2nd yr. | Johnnie Sawyer |
☐ | ☒ | 2nd yr. | Chad Oubre |
☐ | ☒ | 1st yr. | Heather Cropper |
☐ | ☒ | 1st yr. | Matthew Meredith |
☐ | ☒ | Treasurer | Jonathan Wilk |
☐ | ☒ | Secretary | Jesse Benne |
☐ | ☒ | Past Pres. | Ashley Stephens (by phone) |
Reading and Approval of Minutes: A Motion was made by Ashley Stephens to forgo the reading of the previous meeting minutes, seconded by Chad Oubre, motion approved and carried. Membership:
- Jesse stated we have received 3 payments for new memberships, without the applications. Contact was made with the website administrator, and he is unsure of what happened, and he has no record of those transactions. Jesse attempted to contact the applicants directly, but the only information available was an email address and they did not respond. The applicants were:
- Jon Black
- Lance Fuqua
- Trenton Griffin
- Dan VanBuskirk is to disable the website features until the new website is up and running.
- Contacts were made available from the Board for the applicants, will vote at next meeting.
- David VanBuskirk stated the letter for missed payment has been sent to Randy Overton. He will have 30 days to submit payment.
Treasurer’s Report: Johnathan Wilk stated the only transactions since the last meeting were a $5 service charge for the bank account and $2,500 for the website. The current balance is $20,241.43. A Motion was made by Johnnie Sawyer to accept the treasurers report, seconded by Chad Oubre, motion approved and carried. CFI: Jesse Benne stated that he spoke with Jeff VanDolah about any tests proctored recently. Jeff stated that he had not received any notifications about testing in a few months. Johnnie Sawyer has not received any communication so far. WEBSITE: Jesse Benne stated payment has been made for the website updates. They will advise when it is up and running. Annual Conference:
- Steve Rhodes stated that we have more money this year, so that weighs into the decision of our location.
- Osage Casino gave us a tour and a portfolio of costs. Price is still being negotiated.
- The Windstar room rate for the conference is roughly $10,000.
- Choctaw dates don’t work if we want to keep Friday, or Wednesday. Gina Coleman will investigate possibilities for next year.
- River spirit dates don’t work at all, they are booked solid for all our dates.
- Hard Rock tentatively offered the same amount for this year if we want to come back. Hard Rock dates October 16-18 does not work for them, but we are penciled in for October 23-25. Last year we paid roughly $9,000 including meals. Discrepancies were found in the payments made, so Steve Rhodes will get a firm price.
- Conference dates were set for October 23-25 by the Board. Steve Rhodes would like to set a Teams meeting do discuss further the location and decide. The meeting is set for February 29, at 10:00.
- Once the location is set, Jesse Benne will send out save the dates, and sponsor/vendor information.
- Gina Coleman will take care of legal and claims CEU’s, Ashley Stephens will take care of CLEET CEU’s. The deadline for instructor’s PowerPoints will be July 1.
- Class topics and instructor discussions included adding information about the 2024 edition of NFPA 921, ignitable liquids, engineers, post-flashover investigations & ATF instructors.
501(c)3: No updates. Old Business:
- New Training committee:
- Chad Oubre stated that November 5 & 6 Johnathan Butta will be doing a presentation on cigarettes as an ignition source. Chad Oubre is requesting the board be involved in taking money, facilitating, and advertising for this event.
- Chad Oubre stated that OSU-OKC is now offering “Fire Investigations Academic Certificate Program” this Fall, offering 5 classes, 3 hours each, for a total of 15 college credit hours. Topics will include Math, Physics, Chemistry, Fire Dynamics, Fire Investigation techniques, Law and legal, then ultimately origin and cause report writing.
- Chad Oubre would like to know of any requests for training from our membership.
- Jesse Benne stated that CFI and Training pages should be added to the website to increase member perks.
- Jonathan Wilk and Jesse Benne took Renee Southerland off the bank account. Jesse Benne still needs to transfer the post office box. Account passwords are being changed, and a process for changing them will be written down and shared with the Executive Board.
New Business:
- David VanBuskirk stated the Board historically will send two members to the IAAI-ITC and this year should cost about $3000 per person. Johnathan Wilk stated the monetary cap was due to the rising costs after Covid, and that we should re-evaluate every year on cost and ability to send members.
- A motion was made via text group by David VanBuskirk to send Gina Coleman and Johnnie Sawyer to the IAAI-ITC on behalf of the OKIAAI board in the amount of $2,500 each. Motion was seconded by Steve Rhodes. 12 yes votes, 0 no votes. Motion approved and carried.
- David VanBuskirk would like to have his phone number removed from the letterhead. He suggested removing all phone numbers from the letterhead and website. Jesse Benne stated he would proceed with removing the discussed information.
- Chad Oubre has been asked to speak at the AIA conference May 22-24, where all investigation techniques are discussed. He would like the board to possibly have a booth or be present to extend the reach of the Board.
- David VanBuskirk brought an imitation Stanley cup as an example for a possible giveaway to look at.
- Gina Coleman stated that she will be taking an out of state job through FEMA and will be gone for a few months. She will remain available via phone for board business.
Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for March 14, at 10:00. Location will be The Edmond Fire Department, 5300 E Covell rd. Motion to adjourn was made by Chad Oubre, seconded by Heather Cropper, motion approved and carried.