Oct 25, 2019

OKIAAI Board Minutes 10-25-19

Date: October 25, 2019
Time: 11:45 a.m.
Location: Hard Rock, Tulsa

Call to order by President

President Bill Hollander made the call to order.

Roll Call

Present: David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.), Bill Hollander (Pres.), Chris Woodall (1st VP), Ashley Stephens (21u1 VP), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (3rd yr), Tim Reeves (2nd Yr.), Todd Desmet (2nd yr), Jonathan Wilk (1st Yr.), Jim Wilhelm (1st Yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary), Neal Moore (Treasurer)

Absent: None

Reading and Approval of Minutes

Ashley Stephens made the motion to forego the reading of the Minutes, Neal Moore seconded the Motion. Motion carried and approved.


28 new members. 111 attended the conference.

Treasurer’s Report

Conference membership fees: $20,050.00
Expenses: $16,062.00

Current Balance$22,000.00
Deposit to be made$7,143.00
Less Expenses-$16,062.00

After expenses balance will be approximately $15,000 per Neal Moore.

Burn camp funds raised during conference$2,000.00
Cathcart & Dooley Donation$1,000.00
TheWay Donation$1,000.00
Hugh Graham Donation$ 200.00
Total Burn Camp Funds Raised$4,200.00

Motion made by Jim Wilhelm to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Ashley Stephens. Motion carried and approved.

Motion by Neal More to add $1,000.00 additional dollars to burn camp from our funds, seconded by Jim Wilhelm. Motion carried and approved.

Annual Conference



Old Business



A Motion was made to destroy the ballots by Mark Mitchell, seconded by Jesse Benne. Motion carried and approved.

Next Meeting

Motion made by Neal Moore to close the meeting, seconded by Jim Wilhelm. Motion carried and approved.