Jan 29, 2017

OKIAAI Board Minutes 1-26-17

Date: 1/26/2017

Time: 10:14 AM

Location: Tulsa Fire Dept Training Center

Presentation: Donation of $3925 to OK Burn Camp presented to Scotty Stokes, Director

Call to order by President

Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)

Scott Winford (Past Pres),  Jeff VanDolah (Pres), Ashley Stephens (1st VP),

David VanBuskirk (2nd VP), Chris Woodall (3rd Yr.),  Dan Salts (3rd yr),

Bill Hollander ( 2nd Yr.),  Fred Henderson (2nd yr), Tommy Scott (1st Yr),

Stan Smith (1st Yr), Heather Stanley (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer)

Reading and Approval of Minutes: Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes by Ashley Stephens and seconded  by Neal Moore. Status = Approved unanimously

New Membership: None

Treasurer’s Report: Neal Moore reported balance of $21,996.68.  Motion to approve report by Dan Salts  and seconded  by Chris Woodall Status = Approved unanimously

 Committee Reports

Annual Conference: Jeff VanDolah advised the 2016 conference was an amazing team effort.

Ashley Stephens advised he is considering Dave Cusadis of National Fire Academy to present on the topic of electrical fires with possibility of offering R255 certification. The conference will be in Tahlequah with tentative dates of October 25-27, 2017.

Holiday Inn in Tahlequah possible conference hotel. Looking into 2-3 facilities for the training.

Dan will look into the possibility of holding a golf tournament the day before the conference.

Merchandise: None

 Regional Conferences: ATF will be offering Arson for Prosecutors in OK.

 Nominating: None.

 Awards: Heather reported our winners from 2016 conference will be submitted to the IAAI.

 Membership: Heather Stanley reported 114 current members

CFI: Nothing to report.

 Website: Heather advised she will be doing updates in the next couple weeks.  

 Report from the Executive Secretary: Heather requesting authorization to purchase up to $400 in office supplies.   A motion was made by Neal Moore and seconded by Dan Salts.  Status = Approved unanimously.

Report from Secretary/Treasurer: Dan reported taxes are filed through 2015 and will need to be filed again in September for 2016.  He will verify with the accountant.  Neal reported that Bank of the West and they requested documentation that we are a non-profit and who the signees are for the account.  Neal and Heather have to go to the local branch and do a new signature card.

 New Business:

International Conference is April 10-14 in Las Vegas. The chapter will send Jeff VanDolah and Neal Moore.

Chris will work on a new template for a name tag/membership card combination for this year’s conference.

 Next Meeting: February 23, 2017

Location: Stillwater Fire Administration

Time: 10am

 A Motion to Adjourn was made by Ashley Stephens Seconded by Tommy Scott

Status = Approved unanimously

adjourned at: 11:00 AM