Jan 29, 2017
OKIAAI Annual Meeting Minutes 10-26-16
Date: 10/28/2016
Time: 10:32 AM
Location: OSU Forensic Science Center
Call to order by President and then seating of new board
Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)
Scott Winford (Past Pres) Jeff VanDolah (Pres) Ashley Stephens (1st VP)
David VanBuskirk (2nd VP) Chris Woodall (3rd Yr.) Dan Salts (3rd yr)
Bill Hollander ( 2nd Yr.) Fred Henderson (2nd yr) Tommy Scott (1st Yr)
Stan Smith (1st Yr), Heather Stanley (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer), Bill Cathcart (attorney)
Motion to accept 2nd Vice President by acclimation made by Mark Mitchell and seconded by Gary Dill. Status=Approved unanimously.
Motion to destroy ballots made by Mark Mitchell and seconded by Tommy Scott. Status=Approved unanimously.
Reading and Approval of Minutes: Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes made by Dan Salts and seconded by Ashley Stephens. Status = Approved unanimously
New Membership: Heather Stanley
16 New Members
Treasurer’s Report: Neal Moore reported balance of $15,788.36. Motion to approve report by Ashley Stephens and seconded by Gary Dill. Status = Approved unanimously. As there are no changes to the positions of Treasurer or Executive Secretary, Neal Moore and Heather Stanley continue to have sole signing ability with Bank of the West checking account and debit cards.
Committee Reports
Annual Conference: (VanDolah)
87 attendees
Thanked OSU or their facilities and instructors Frucci and Napp for volunteering their time. Next year’s conference will be held in Tahlequah.
Merchandise: Heather Stanley will audit merchandise and report at next meeting.
Regional Conferences: Nothing to report.
Nominating: None.
Awards: Can submit photos at okiaai.org from 11/1 to 9/30. Winners are entered into International contest.
Jody Cooper offered to donate from his organization JJMA $50 for first place and $25 for second place for each category (Arson and Accidental) for the photography awards starting in 2017.
Awards: Presented by Jeff VanDolah
Presentation of President Award to Scott Winford
Presentation of Investigator of the Year to Scott Winford
Presentation of Photography to David Randolph and Todd DeSmet
Acknowledgement of Enid FD for winning International Inv of the Year
Heather Stanley reported 105 current members and reminded attendees to have their co-workers renew online.
CFI: nothing to report
Website: Membership expressed satisfaction with updated website.
Report from the Executive Secretary: None
Report from Secretary/Treasurer: (Neal Moore)
Burn camp donation total: $1200
A motion to match the funds made byAshley Stephens and seconded by Bill Hollander. Status=Approved unanimously.
Thank you to the Durhams and TheWay Corp for also matching the $1200 raised in Burn Camp donations.
New Business: None
Next Meeting: January 2016
Location: TBA
Time: TBA
A Motion to Adjourn was made by Jeremy Robbins and Seconded by Jody Cooper
Status = Approved unanimously
Adjourned at: 10:46 AM