Aug 27, 2020

OKIAAI Board Minutes 8/27/20

Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020
Time: 10:08 a.m.
Location: Zoom meeting

Call to order by President

Made by 1st Vice President Chris Woodall

Roll Call

PRESENT: David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.), Chris Woodall (1st VP), Ashley Stephens (2nd VP), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (3rd Yr.), Tim Reeves (2nd Yr.), Todd DeSmet (2nd Yr.), Jonathan Wilk (1st Yr.), Jim Wilhelm (1st Yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary)

ABSENT: Bill Hollander (Pres.), Neal Moore (Treasurer)

Reading and Approval of Minutes

Tim Reeves made a Motion to forego the reading of the July Minutes, seconded by Ashley Stephens, Motion carried and approved.


Bruce Swearengen paid for membership in August.

Treasurer’s Report

This information was provided to Renee Southerland by Bill Hollander prior to the meeting since he could not attend. The balance was $13,918.32 for the time frame of July 15 through August 13, 2020. No deposits, credits or withdraws made during that time frame.


Tim Reeves received his CFEI – Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator license.


Dan Van Buskirk made revisions to the website for all dates to be 2021 for next year’s conference, and the sponsorship and vendorship forms were also revised and added to the website. David VanBuskirk has photographs from last year’s conference and will get those to Dan VanBuskirk to update all the pictures on the website.

Annual Conference

  • Chris Woodall made contact with all speakers concerning the cancellation of this year’s conference and to speak again next year. Everyone agreed. We will do the same agenda.
  • The new 921 is out. If Bill Cathcart is still going to speak, Renee Southerland will need to make sure he has a copy to review.
  • Jeremey went to a Zoom class that the International put on which discussed the changes of 921. Basically, Chapter 19 classifications state you will not classify a fire anymore and that the explanation needs to be in the narrative. The changes took effect as soon as 921 came out. Everyone needs to remember it is just a “guide”.
  • Unsure when the new edition of 1033 will come out and what those changes will be.
  • Dave Hallman can still bring evidence for next year’s conference as talking points.
  • Chris Woodall advised that Rimkus will need to be reimbursed for their vendorship that they paid this year in the amount of $300.
  • Ashley Stephens advised that “CFI Trainer” is still available for continuing education credits.
  • Bill Hollander advised Renee Southerland that Albano can do a mental health Zoom this year for two hours credit if we want to schedule it.

Old Business

Chris Woodall advised that the IRS is still backlogged for our non-profit paperwork, so he has no update.

New Business

  • David VanBuskirk advised the President has the right to appoint a temporary Treasurer, but since the President is not at this meeting, it would then go to 1st Vice to appoint.
  • Chris Woodall appointed Jonathan Wilk as temporary Treasurer pending Jonathan Wilk and Fred Henderson meeting with Neal Moore to obtain his written resignation.
  • David VanBuskirk advised if Jonathan Wilk takes over permanently then we would have a Board position open and how would that be approached.
  • It was discussed that the First Year Board member could be from last year’s votes, which were Gina Coleman, Steve Rhoades, and Jesse Dean, and the Board decided to discuss further at a later Board meeting.
  • Renee Southerland advised that Bill Cathcart said it was okay to freeze all of our positions until the next annual conference in October 2021, which at that time we would just “ratify” during the annual meeting that we froze them the prior year.
  • David VanBuskirk made the Motion to freeze all positions until October 2021, seconded by Fred Henderson, Motion carried and approved.
  • Renee Southerland suggested that we use this extra time we have to start collecting giveaways for next year’s conference as we set the bar during the Hard Rock conference for giveaways.

Next Meeting

Next meeting will be on Thursday, September 24, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. at Farm Bureau in Tulsa. Jeremy Robbins made the Motion to adjourn, seconded by Tim Reeves. Motion carried and approved.