May 25, 2023

OKIAAI Board Minutes 5/25/2023

Date: May 25, 2023
Time: 11:31 a.m.
Location: Mariachi’s Restaurant – Stillwater, OK 

Call to Order

Made by President, Ashley Stephens

Roll Call

Ashley Stephens (Pres.)
David VanBuskirk (1st VP)
Steve Rhodes (2nd VP)
Chad Oubre (1st yr.)
Johnnie Sawyer (1st yr.)
Gina Coleman (2nd yr.)
Marc Sutphin (2nd yr.) 
Jesse Benne (3rd yr.)  ** by phone
Heather Cropper (3rd yr.)
Jonathan Wilk (Treasurer)
Renee Southerland (Secretary)
Chris Woodall (Past Pres.) (can call in)

Reading and Approval of Minutes

Upon reading and approval topic, Gina Coleman made a motion to forego the reading of the April minutes, seconded by Steve Rhodes, motion carried and approved.


There have been five new members.  After discussion, Jonathan Wilk made a motion to approve the membership, seconded by Marc Sutphin, motion carried and approved.

Treasurer’s Report

Jonathan Wilk advised the current balance is $11,2018.00, which includes a deduction of $48.99 for a Microsoft update.  He will transfer $1,506.75 from PayPal today.  Steve Rhodes made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Jonnie Sawyer, motion carried and approved.


No new CFI members, however, Jesse Benne has been approved to take the CFI.


There is a current issue with the website in that when conference fees or membership fees are paid, the membership form is not being sent to Renee Southerland as it might go to spam or not be sent at all.  Dan VanBuskirk, our current IT person, has been receiving the membership forms and will forward them to Renee Southerland once received.  They both had a conversation on the phone about this issue and Dan VanBuskirk advised that apparently our website is no longer supported by whomever it was originally purchased from and that it needs to be rebuilt with a modern theme or platform. Dan VanBuskirk advised he could do this but a discussion would need to be had concerning how that would be done and the cost.  Jesse Benne advised that he would work with Dan VanBuskirk to update the website so that Jesse Benne could get more involved.

Annual Conference

  • Jesse Benne advised that in checking on ordering apparel it was somewhat expensive, and Heather Cropper also provided an estimate for apparel which was close to $6,000.00.  This issue will be discussed at the next meeting. 
  • David VanBuskirk advised that Mark Wenthold from NICB could possibly speak and Marc Sutphin advised he would call him Thursday afternoon. 
  • Heather Cropper advised she does have someone to speak on mental health for Friday during the conference. 
  • Jesse Benne advised that if we are going to do another “booze box” this year that we needed to get approval from the Hard Rock to do so.  
  • Gina Coleman advised she would take care of coordinating continuing education credits with the Insurance Commissioner’s office, and Ashley Stephens has always taken care of CLEET and OBA in the past.  
  • Steve Rhodes advised that Tulsa Police Department and Fire Department will do the opening ceremonies. 
  • Renee Southerland advised that Rochelle from the Burn Camp will want to speak for 10 minutes and will need to be worked into the schedule on Wednesday morning of the conference.  
  • Renee Southerland advised that Hugh Graham sent an email requesting to revise the time that he and Bill Cathcart would speak in that Hugh would go first from 8 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, and Bill would then speak from 10 a.m. to Noon, OSBI/ADA would be from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Burn Camp could speak at 3:00 p.m., and then awards and social networking would then be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.  
  • Jesse Benne advised he would get with the Department of Corrections and would order the three large items needed for the raffle and he will advise them these are not donations and we will be paying for them.  
  • Renee Southerland requested another vote for her to be able to purchase items for the raffle in the amount of $500.00.  Motion was made by Johnnie Sawyer to accept that amount for her to purchase items, seconded by Heather Cropper, motion carried and approved.
  • A discussion was had concerning what items would be given away to those that register for the conference and it was agreed to table that discussion until the next Board meeting.  
  • Heather Cropper advised that she could look into getting whiskey glasses with our OKIAAI logo.  Jesse Benne advised that the registration gift does need to be something with our brand on it.  
  • It was requested that everyone bring an idea to the next Board meeting for those membership giveaways and that we would also resume discussions about apparel. 
  • David VanBuskirk said he could get an estimate regarding hats with our logo and would bring that to the next meeting.  
  • Gina Coleman advised that we needed to finalize the food information at the next meeting as well. 
  • Renee Southerland advised that the vendor form and sponsor forms were sent out to the board members at the beginning of April to forward to prospects and that she will send those forms to the vendors and sponsors that we had during 2022.  Gina Coleman advised she had sent forms to a couple of those vendors already so as to not double up on our efforts.  
  • Jesse Benne advised he wanted to build a master slide deck after all of the speaker information had been received.


Since Chris Woodall was absent, there was no update.

Old Business

  • Heather Cropper advised she emailed MTM Recognition about challenge coins but has not yet received a response.  
  • Jesse Benne advised that the June class that originally was scheduled for us to host was cancelled due to the high cost and not enough participation.  He advised we would need to set lower-risk classes with the lower cost such as $100.00 per day or $50.00 a day and give discount if someone was a member of our organization.  

New Business

No New Business.

Next Meeting

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. at the Tulsa Fire Department located at 1760 New Block Park Drive, and lunch will be catered by Johnnie Sawyer.

At the time of the preparation of these minutes, it was realized no one made a motion to adjourn the meeting.