Feb 25, 2021
OKIAAI Board Minutes 2/25/21
Date: February 25, 2021
Time: 10:22 a.m.
Location: Oklahoma Farm Bureau, Tulsa, OK
Call to order by President
Made by President Bill Hollander
Roll Call
PRESENT: Bill Hollander (Pres.), Chris Woodall (1st VP), (appeared by phone), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.), Jeremy Robbins (3rd Yr.) (appeared by phone), Tim Reeves (2nd Yr.), Todd DeSmet (2nd Yr.), Steve Rhodes (1st Yr.) (appeared by phone), Renee Southerland (Secretary), Jonathan Wilk (Treasurer)
ABSENT: David VanBuskirk (Past Pres.), Ashley Stephens (2nd VP), Jim Wilhelm (1st Yr.)
Reading and Approval of Minutes
Bill Hollander read the Minutes of January 2021. Motion made by Tim Reeves to approve the reading of the Minutes. Seconded by Todd DeSmet. Motion carried and approved.
No new members since the last meeting in January. 93 members have paid their dues to date. A few have paid twice, and those dues will be refunded. Chris Woodall advised he contacted Sherry Montes concerning the membership rules and she understood. She had already paid $20, and we need to discuss looking at an Associate Membership for her. Jonathan will check the By-Laws concerning this request.
Treasurer’s Report
Current balance is $14,239.77. Jonathan Wilk advised that he made a transfer of $402.46, a $100 check cleared, and he received $40.00 in checks since the last meeting.
Tim Reeves made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Jeremy Robbins, motion carried and approved.
- Chris Woodall was attended the meeting by phone call and was traveling so his reception was off and on during the meeting.
- Todd will contact Copart regarding getting a burned hybrid or total electric vehicle for the conference.
- Jonathan Wilk has a meeting with Edmond Fire Department the following Monday (March 1) after our meeting and will check with Joe Elam while he is there about our conference venue with them.
- We will talk about the t-shirt order next meeting as well as the discussion of the earbud order.
- Steve Rush called and needs to know where we are having the meeting in October as OK LP Gas has to plan for this meeting for their participants.
- Jeremy Robbins will check with the Reed Center and cost of rooms to do the conference in Midwest City if Edmond is unavailable.
- Chris Woodall advised that Joe Elam said it looks good to have the conference in Edmond, but he is not sure when we will get a commitment from Joe.
- Jeremy Robbins he has access to crash acres where we can burn which is three to five miles from the Midwest City Conference Center.
- Chris Woodall advised it was okay for Jonathan Wilk to discuss the conference venue with Joe Elam on March 1 and that we needed to have a meeting with Jonathan / Jeremy within the next two weeks concerning the status of Edmond or the Midwest City venue. Jonathan advised that Fitzgerald in Edmond can get us a new vehicle for display.
- Jeremy Robbins stated if we have the conference in Midwest City, he has a friend at Hudiburg where he can bring two new cars for display.
- Todd DeSmet reiterated we need the pricing for the conference room and the hotel rooms if we do it in Midwest City. Jeremy advised that he will know on March 1st when we can meet the Sheridan / Reed Center. As Jeremy has the second and third week of March available and Chris was okay was okay for the second week of March.
- Todd DeSmet advised he has a contact with Manheim and Copart concerning electric or hybrid vehicles to have at the conference. Jeremy Robbins advised he does not have a contact at IAA.
- Chris Woodall made contact with most of the speakers, and all are okay to continue speaking and Chris will also check with Mr. Albano.
- Renee Southerland advised that she had a conversation with Bill Cathcart and that Bill had spoken with Mike Custer and he would like to speak at the conference if possible. Chris Woodall advised he knew Mike from Kilgore Engineering and Mike does have lots of information on “smart technology”. He will get in contact with Mike Custer and will double check the agenda to see if we can fit him into the schedule. Bill advised he would give up part of his time in order for Mike to speak.
The photographs from the 2019 conference were added. It was requested by Renee Southerland that Dan Van Buskirk needs to add the words “VISA or Debit card” more boldly in the payment section of the website, as she is still getting emails from people stating they don’t have PayPal.
Old Business
- Ashley Stephens advised he found the 501C(3) form when it was originally given to us several years ago.
- Chris Woodall stated it would be a long process to get the 501c(3) reinstated and we might need more financial information, as well as a meeting with Jonathan and Renee.
- Jonathan Wilk cannot get the Bank of the West information as he was not on the account. He only has the old checkbook registers to use that were provided by Neil Moore.
- Chris Woodall stated he should be able to do the tax returns based on the checkbook registers.
- Renee Southerland found that same letter on the thumb drive.
- Jonathan Wilk fixed the GoDaddy account and added our Post Office Box.
- PayPal is changed to the OKIAAI email and Heather’s name is now off.
- Steve Rhodes advised he will not go to the Annual Conference so someone else can go at the Chapter’s expense.
New Business
- Need to provide three dues refunds for dues that were paid twice. Jonathan will handle those refunds.
- Received a billing from Dan Van Buskirk for $350 for the recent website work and a check was written by Jonathan to be sent in the mail by Renee Southerland.
Next Meeting
March 25, 2021, at Oklahoma Farm Bureau in Tulsa, located at 10777 South Memorial Drive, at 10:00 a.m., unless we are able to get the Reed Center Conference and then the meeting would be April 1, 2021.
Todd DeSmet made a Motion to adjourn, seconded by Tim Robbins. Motion carried and approved.