Oct 22, 2021
OKIAAI Board Minutes 10/22/21
Date: October 22, 2021
Time: 10:35 a.m.
Location: Grand Casino, Shawnee, Oklahoma
Call to Order
Made by President, Chris Woodall
Roll Call
Absent at Meeting: Tim Reeves (3rd yr.), Steve Rhodes (2nd yr.)
Present at Meeting: Chris Woodall (Pres.), Bill Hollander (Past Pres.), Jonathan Wilk (Treasurer), Ashley Stephens (1st VP), Todd DeSmet (2nd VP), Nick Nadeau (3rd yr.), Jim Wilhelm (2nd yr.), Gina Coleman (1st yr.), Marc Sutphin (1st yr.), Renee Southerland (Secretary)
Reading and Approval of Minutes
A motion was made by Bill Hollander to forego the reading of the September minutes, seconded by Todd, motion carried and approved.
For this conference, we had 106 paid members, 12 of those were new members, and 96 attended the conference. In 2020, we did not have a conference due to the pandemic but had 108 paid members, and 12 of those were new members.
Treasurer’s Report
Jonathan Wilk advised the current balance was $23,324.93 but we needed to pay the Grand Casino for their conference facilities which would be $6,000 – 7,000, but we have yet to receive the final billing. The burn camp raised $2,737.00 in the raffle.
None – Chris Woodall advised we needed more CFIs for the State of Oklahoma.
Annual Conference
It was requested that all of the surveys be turned in for this conference. It was announced that First VP Ashley Stephens would be heading the conference next year. Ashley made a motion for our organization to add $1,000.00 from our funds to the raffle amount raised, therefore, a check in the amount of $3737 would be given to the Burn Camp. Bill seconded the motion. Motion carried and approved. A check will be written today to the burn camp for $3.737.00.
New Business
Ashley made a motion to destroy the ballots concerning the nominations. Bill Hollander seconded the motion, motion carried and approved.
Chris Woodall then discussed membership status concerning associate members, retired members, and the like. This had been discussed with the board’s legal counsel who advised it was okay for our organization to adopt the International’s language about membership. At this time, it was requested to entertain any motions concerning this subject. Ashley made a motion to change our Bylaws to adopt and reflect what the International says regarding membership which would allow retired members to be part of the organization and keep their credentials. As of right now, we only have “Active” and “Lifetime” member status and we need 2/3rds vote to add different types of members (retired, organizations, associate). A discussion was had with the membership and Hugh Graham stated he thought it had to be published for 60 days before voting but this could not be located in our Bylaws. Legal counsel had reviewed and said it was okay not to publish for 60 days as we are separate from International and have separate Bylaws. This was now seconded by Jonathan Wilk. A vote was taken to adopt the language from the International Bylaws, and there was well over 2/3rds majority and only one no vote. The motion was carried and approved.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be determined at a later date with the new board members being advised of such. A motion was made by Bill Hollander to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Marc Sutphin, motion carried and approved.