Apr 25, 2017

OKIAAI Board Minutes 4-25-17



Date: 4/25/2017

Time: 10:12 AM

Location: Stillwater Community Center

Call to order by President


Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)


Scott Winford (Past Pres),  Jeff VanDolah (Pres), Ashley Stephens (1st VP),

David VanBuskirk (2nd VP), Chris Woodall (3rd Yr.),  Dan Salts (3rd yr),

Bill Hollander ( 2nd Yr.),  Fred Henderson (2nd yr), Tommy Scott (1st Yr),

Stan Smith (1st Yr), Heather Stanley (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer)


Reading and Approval of Minutes:  Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes by Neal Moore and seconded  by Bill Hollander. Status = Approved unanimously


New Membership: None


Treasurer’s Report: Neal Moore reported balance of $15,967.29.  $1000 to Burn Camp,  $1896 to VanDolah for International Conference, and Neal Moore’s International not yet paid.  Motion to approve report by Chris Woodall  and seconded  by Ashley Stephens. Status = Approved unanimously


Committee Reports

Annual Conference: Ashley advised he has blocked rooms at Holiday Inn Express at daily rate of $94/night.  He has reserved the Tahlequah Community Event Center free of charge but we will have to purchase coffee and any refreshments from them. He is still looking into the golf course.  Jeff advised Barry Grimm will present on a topic of our choice.  Dave Cusadis of National Fire Academy is to present on the topic of electrical fires with possibility of offering R255 certification.  The conference will be in Tahlequah October 25-27, 2017.

Chris will work on a new template for a name tag/membership card combination for this year’s conference.


Merchandise: None


Regional Conferences: Chris advised Rimkus held fire training March 3 at Edmond which went well and provided 8 hours CLEET credit.


Nominating: None.


Awards: Jeff advised OK Chapter members did not win any awards at the Interational this year.


Membership: Heather Stanley reported 114 current members


CFI: Nothing to report.


Website:  Tommy continues to do updates.


Report from the Executive Secretary: Heather reported we received another sponnsoring request from OSU Fire Service Training.  A motion to sponsor a hole again for $150 was made by Neal Moore and seconded by Bill Hollonder.  Status = Approved unanimously.


Report from Secretary/Treasurer: None


New Business:

Three board members attended the International Conference April 10-14 in Las Vegas. The International did not receive the grant they usually get to provide CFI training. Jeff will gather information  from the International regarding the need and specifics to donate directly to this training so we can discuss further as a Board.

Tommy paid to go to the conference in order to serve on a committee on health and safety. A motion to reimburse his conference expenses up to $1000 was made by Chris Woodall and seconded by Dan Salts.  Status=Approved unanimously.


Next Meeting:  May 23 , 2017

Location: Tulsa Fire Administration

Time: 10am


A Motion to Adjourn was made by Ashley Stephens and Seconded by Neal Moore.

Status = Approved unanimously

adjourned at: 10:54 AM