08 Nov 2017

OKIAAI Board Minutes 10-27-17



Date: 10/27/2017

Time: 10:33


Call to order by President:


Motion to destroy ballots by Dan Salts and seconded by Stan Smith.  Status=Approved unanimously.


Roll Call (Bold Italic = Absent)


Jeff VanDolah (Past Pres),  Ashley Stephens (Pres), David VanBuskirk (1st VP),

Bill Hollander (2nd VP), Fred Henderson (3rd Yr.),  Chris Woodall (3rd yr),

Tommy Scott ( 2nd Yr.),  Stan Smith (2nd yr), Billy Magalassi (1st Yr),

Jeremy Robbins (1st Yr), Heather Stanley (Executive Secretary), Neal Moore (Secretary/Treasurer)

*Chris Woodall was appointed by President Stephens to fill vacant third year position.

Special Guest:  James Simmons


Reading and Approval of Minutes:  Motion to forgo reading and approve minutes by Jeff VanDolah and seconded  by Neal Moore. Status = Approved unanimously


New Membership: 11


Treasurer’s Report: Neal Moore reported balance of $ 18,264.  The conference cost approximately $9000 and we took in approximately $9500 with outstanding invoices.  $1549 was taken in on ticket sales + a $200 donation from EMI.  The profit for burn camp after our $829.94 in prize purchases is $1159.06.  Motion to approve report by Jeff VanDolah and seconded  by Stan Smith. Status = Approved unanimously

Motion to match ticket sales from OKIAAI funds prior to donating to burn camp made by Chris Woodall and seconded by Tommy Scott.  Status= Approved unanimously.  Burn camp donation = $2318.12.


Committee Reports

Annual Conference:  Ashley said it was a great conference once the parking issues were resolved. He thanked everyone for their hard work and attendance.


Merchandise: David advised the hat sales were good with $425 sold.  The board plans to offer hats again next year.


Regional Conferences: None


Nominating: Ashley encouraged members to submit photos for next year.


Awards: Investigator of the Year presented to Jerry Berry- Bartlesville FD

1st Place Accidental Photo-Jonathan Wilk- Norman FD

2nd Place Accidental Photo- Bill Hollander- Bartlesville FD

Honorary Fine Bucket- James Simmons – Oklahoma Fire Marshal


Membership: Heather Stanley reported 90 current members.


CFI: Nothing to report.


Website:  Heather requested members get with Tommy Scott if they have content ideas.


Report from the Executive Secretary: None


Report from Secretary/Treasurer: None


New Business:


Next Meeting:  January 2018

Location: TBA

Time: 10AM


A Motion to Adjourn was made by David VanBuskirk and Seconded by Bill Hollander.

Status = Approved unanimously

Adjourned at: 10:43 AM